2010年1月13日 星期三

2010年自由之家(Freedom House)的年度報告出爐!


2010年『自由之家(Freedom House)』年度報告

政治權利部份(Political Rights,簡稱PR)

(原文)Taiwan’s political rights rating improved from 2 to 1 due to enforcement of anticorruption laws that led to the prosecution of former high-ranking officials, the annulment of several legislators’ elections owing to vote-buying, and the investigation of over 200 candidates for alleged vote-buying in local elections.


公民自由部份(Civil Liberties,簡稱CL)

(原文)Taiwan’s civil liberties rating declined from 1 to 2 due to flaws in the protection of criminal defendants’ rights that were exposed during anticorruption prosecutions and a high-profile murder case, as well as a law that infringes on academic freedom by barring staff and scholars at public educational facilities from participating in certain political activities.



自由之家另在報告中以附註方式點出,台灣的政治權利評比較2009年有改善,但公民自由則有惡化的情形(Taiwan’s political rights rating improved in 2009, while its civil liberties rating declined) 。


